
ACTIVITIES - spring at the café

Spring has arrived in Provence when the street cafés start to get busy again. With the (fairly) mild weather here we are fortunate to be able to make use of this quintessential Mediterranean pastime every Saturday morning where we meet up with friends and acquaintances, sometimes bringing guests along. 

at the café
 At the bar Le Central we try to get a table in the sun, and since the branches of the plane trees, platane in French, were trimmed the end of February it is nowadays possible to enjoy the warming sunshine the entire time. 

This is also where we swap ideas, exchange stories, plan excursions or simply sit together and watch the world go by.

EXTRA - online sources

We believe in sharing because not only is sharing caring but we also believe that a mind can only expand when it can exchange and hence learn new things. So here are some of the online resources we use when looking for advice, ideas, information, reviews, etc. There are also links which have been given to us by our guests so that the exchange has already started - fantastic!

* onegreenplanet.org vegan recipes and animal-rights issues

* care2.com ideas on green living and highly effective petitions for human and animal rights

v e g a n D a d great vegan recipes, ideas and well-written

and a recommendation from our guest Solli from Paris who has her own beautiful blog:
* ohsheglows.com vegan recipes and tipps

RECIPES - quinoa risotto

February and March are the most difficult months of the year for the human body as nature has not awakened from its winter slumber and winter has stopped producing in order to prepare for spring and another growing season. Our trusted farmers Gerard and Francis at their stands at the weekly market in Riez provide us with what's in season, and so now is the time for the last winter greens and root vegetables

http://www.organicprovence.com/table.htmlAs such our choices are more limited yet there is still an abundance of joyful ingredients which we can use to prepare delicious meals. How about a quinoa risotto? Unlike risotto made with Arborio rice quinoa, when cooked, does not become creamy and sticky. But not worries, there are also advantages. 

LIFE AT LA VUDELE - spring gardening

Every year, or rather: continuously, we work on our vegetable garden. 'Continuously' because we use permaculture as the basis which utilizes many different factors like the moon phases; creating our own compost, of course no fertilizers but to us nothing which comes from the outside; local plant varieties and seeds from a trusted source; rain water captured in a basin; the sun's movement; and our own two hands.

cherry tree in bloom in our garden
This year we finally managed to source the materials for a cold frame, like an old window très local, ie. at our neighbors' who had their windows replaced. More on that in our April postings because starting this year we can offer 2 more guest rooms at our organic B&B! Anyway, the end of February, in 


YOGA - World Yoga Day '15

 Every year in late winter World Yoga Day, now in its 7th year, takes place allover the world. This year on 22nd February, on a Sunday morning, between 11h and 13h, yogis everywhere came together to celebrate this special moment, united spiritually and connected through yoga.

 A donation-based project every year a different cause benefits from the contributions of each yogi, be it monetary or idealistic. This year it is the TARA project which provides funding to a deprived part of Africa, enabling children to attend school and better the lives of themselves and their families. Originating in Austria World Yoga Day has spread throughout the world, as you can see on this list of participating yoga studios, from Argentina to Malaysia and Venezuela
 Last year I was on Corsica through helpx.net, a fantastic opportunity to stay with locals and exchange ideas, services, thoughts, and spent the actual World Yoga Day time at the most amazing beach, Santa Giulia