La Bella Mia aka Mia |
Canada... Singapore... England... Italy... Croatia... Brazil... Bermudas... France... Scotland... Austria... Norway... Germany... Poland... Switzerland... U.S.A... Netherlands... China... Belgium... Sweden... and some more...
We would like to thank each individual personally for having chosen to come to La Vudèle on their vacation, be it for a couple of nights, a week or longer. It was always a great experience, be it the conversations, the discovery of places far away, fresh ideas, interests, hobbies, and sometimes even gifts!
We are especially happy about all the positive feedback and reviews we receive to our offering:
number 1: vegetarian. Our first and foremost concern, the well-being of all animals. As we discover every day what possibilities exist including raw food we are moving more and more towards veganism. One of our guests wrote a beautiful blog entry including fantastic (and appetizing) photos about our vegetarian dinner or table d'hôtes in French. She also wrote about our sumptuous breakfast, with our own freshly baked sourdough bread
number 2: organic. Living in the countryside of Provence we have discovered producers of fantastic organic fruit and vegetables at the market in Riez, be it Francis from nearby Allemagne-en-Provence who always greets Jim with a typical French "'ello"; or Isabelle, with her delicious tomatoes which we turned into jars and jars of sauce for the winter, and our trusted farmer Gerard with a large range of produce from his organic in Mane! We strive to find the best organic products since we not only serve the food but also partake in the meals ourselves. So "organic" is something we take very seriously, personally.
number 3: authenticity. Both Jim and I chose Provence as our home and found a very special place here at La Vudèle. One of the biggest compliments we received from one of our last guests, in September, when he said he could feel the passion and love we have for this place.
And we are very happy that Mia has joined us, a very cuddly cat we adopted in July. She had been found in a nearby village with a massive hernia which needed treatment. We took her to the vet right away to get her operated. All went well and now she is already a permanent and important part of our life here at La Vudèle. She knows how to charm not only us but also our guests, with her beautiful green eyes and long fluffy coat. Initially whilst looking for a name we had called her Fluffy which then turned into Bella but somehow didn't sounds right; so now she is called "La Bella Mia", or Mia for short, with a nod to our Italian guests this summer who were some of the first people to meet her here. Our other kitty cat Mimie has still not really adopted Mia as a friend but they are learning to tolerate each other. A pecking order during feeding time has definitely been established... Mimie won.
Bienvenue at La Vudèle
and may you enjoy your life with us